Saturday, December 13, 2008

Weekly Weigh In: Weighing In

Sorry for the late weigh in... this week has been killer. I've been doing so much work, trying to play catch up with the semester (not to mention the guilt that comes with taking the next three weeks off) that I didn't weigh in yesterday morning. I also woke up with this horrible sinus headache/migraine that had me laying around the house all day. All in all, it wasn't a good day.

However, this morning was a different experience. Not only did I sleep for 10 hours and woke up with my headache gone, but the scale also told me that I lost a pound this week. WOOT! On Thursday, I had a conversation with one of my work colleagues. We started at the same time, so we've pretty much had the same experience within the department. One thing he complained to me about is that he's gained 20 pounds since he started the job and he racks it up to being unhappy. I had to shrug at him. I gained about 15 pounds my first year on the job, and now, I've lost 50 of those unwanted pounds. His response is that some people lose weight when they are unhappy. I laughed: I wish it had been that easy to blame my divorce and my early dissatisfaction with my job. Unfortunately, a lot of sweat, tears, and frustration has gone into losing those 52.4 pounds.

On a happier note, this week was the first time since HIGH SCHOOL that I have worn a size 12 in public. I know, I know, high school wasn't that long ago for me. But seriously? I think the last time I wore a size 12 was 1996. TWELVE YEARS AGO. E gave me a bag of her dissertation clothes (and a big WOOT to E for fitting into some smaller sized pants this week too!!), which contained a bunch of size 10s but also one pair of size 12s. I figured that since my Ann Taylor shopping spree over Thanksgiving where I bought a pair of size 12s, I might actually wear them in public one day. I figured Wednesday was a good day for that. I can't believe it. I'm sure I walked a little taller that day, just because I knew what number was on my label. Monday night is the debut of the Ann Taylor outfit, which is when E and I are going out for a big end of the semester survival dinner. I'll be sure to take some pictures :)


Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

Good on you. You look beautiul. xx

Angie Eats Peace said...

Woohoo! Awesome progress! Wear your outfit with pride!

carla said...

GREAT progress and so glad you are on the mend as well!


Marcie said...

Yay for 12's! =) Walk tall girlfriend!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Yaaay for size 12!!! (The pound ain't bad either. *G*)

RooBabs said...

Wahoo!! What an excellent week- losing a pound and wearing a smaller size. All is right with the world (and doesn't it feel great?!)

It's always interesting for me to look at how people deal with stress/unhappiness differently. For instance, I "joke" about my "anxiety diet", because it was when I was going through horrible anxiety and depression that I was at my lowest weight (but I seriously don't remember eating that much less than I do now). But yet, when I was in college, and just depressed (no anxiety), that's when I gained about 20-25 pounds. How weird (and I wasn't depressed all through college- just at times).