Thursday, December 4, 2008

I finally figured it out!!

I'm feeling a wee bit better today. My nose has somewhat cleared up (not running, just congested) and I have a bit of a dry annoying cough (do I sound like a cold medicine commercial or what?), but that's better than how I felt yesterday. However, I'm really disappointed that I didn't go to the gym at all this week (except for spinning on Sunday afternoon) and that I won't be able to run my 5K on Sunday. I kind of wish there was a Turkey Trot for Christmas... so I started googling. My hometown sponsers a First Night celebration and a part of it... wait for it... is a 5K!!!! I can't imagine a better way to 1) blow out a successful 2008 and 2) make sure I don't completely pig out over the holidays. Even better is the fact that I just registered for it. I checked out the course, and it's something that I can completely do. I think I'm going to concentrate on some hill running as soon as I'm completely over my cold because the middle section is a bit of hill running. But I'm so excited about this!!!

excuse me while i go back to my regularly scheduled coughing and nose blowing....


Angie Eats Peace said...

Woohoo! That's awesome. Good luck!

carla said...


I need someone living closer to me to say LETS DO THIS 5K together.

sad but true. havent run one yet...perhaps I need to get my husband to wanna run? with me and throw our daughter in a stroller?

wait. this wasnt about me.


Chrissie said...

Glad to hear you are a little better. I think the 5K is a great motivation to deal with the holidays.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

You'll definitely be on track for the holidays, with this schedule! Way to go!

Hope you're feeling better!

RooBabs said...

Congrats on finding a new 5k to work towards! That sounds like fun. There's a 5k around here on New Year's Eve that starts at 11:30 p.m. and everyone who finishes before midnight gets a plaque (it's called Beat the New Year). I'm considering it, but the route is a lot of hills, so I don't know if I would make the time deadline- especially since it's way past my bedtime, LOL.