Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Red in the face

Monday was my first workout session in what seems like forever. I had a small procedure done in mid-September (all is fine, and I'm okay) and so I had to lay off the exercise for almost two and a half weeks. Funny, but in the workup for this procedure, my surgeon sent me a list of things to do BEFORE the surgery that would make afterward that much easier. Along with eating right and not taking anything that could thin my blood (fun, right?), he also suggested taking 30 minute walks to pump up my stamina. For someone who was having a hard time working out, walks were great. I got out in the sun. I enjoyed the rolling hills of the medical campus not too far from my home. Fresh air. Yum.

Well, the past five days have been absolutely crappy weather-wise. It got cold on Friday, which turned into wet and VERY cold on Saturday and Sunday and Monday. On Monday afternoon, I wanted to wrap myself up in a blanket and watch Real Housewives of Anywhere, but instead, I dragged myself to the workout room in my complex. It's a small room with two treadmills, two ellipticals, a recumbent bike, and a nautilus machine, but it wasn't raining in there. I got myself on a treadmill and took off! The machines all face a one way mirror (the women in the complex's office can see you, but you're looking at your reflection) and I couldn't believe how red my face got. Has it been that long? Was it the awkwardness of the treadmill? Both?

When my 30 minutes were up, I was a little disappointed with how far I had gotten distance-wise, but then I thought that it was an accomplishment getting to the gym rather than curling up with a blanket and Bravo. And my flushed face had a smile on it as I walked back to my apartment in the rain.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Kiki! I've been reading your blog for sometime. Just wanted to say, glad you are back and you are such an inspiration!
